

(A net is slung over the front of the stage.  The stage looks like a crude boat.

Two puppets looking bored)

Peter: Boring

Thomas: Boring

Peter: Boring, boring, boring

Thomas: Boring

Peter: Any bites?

Thomas: Not one.  How about you?

Peter: Nope.  We’ve been out here all night and I haven’t even had a nibble.  I haven’t even had a really small nibble.  I haven’t had a tiny teeny nibble.  Ihaven’t even seen a ripple that might have been a fish.  I haven’t even ....

Thomas: Alright.  I get the point.

Peter: I still can’t believe it.

Thomas: What?  That we haven’t caught any fish all night?

Peter: No.  That Jesus is dead.

Thomas: Yea.  It happened so fast.  Did you hear that some people say they saw Him?  That He’s alive?

Peter: I heard but how can that be?  How can someone come back to life after dying?

Thomas: Well, should we quit and go home.

Peter: Might as well.  There’s nothing else to do. (voice offstage) Hello.

Peter: Hello to you

Thomas: (to Peter)  Who is that? (voice offstage) Have you caught anything.

Peter: Not a thing and we’ve been fishing all night.

Thomas: (to Peter) He looks familiar.

(voice offstage) Throw your fishing net over on the right side of the boat.
Peter: He looks like Jesus.  I’m going to do it.

Thomas: Forget it.  He’s just some old wannabe fisherman with useless free advice.

Peter: I don’t think so.  I’ve got the funniest feeling that His word is truth. I’m going to give it a try.

Thomas: Oh alright.  But don’t say I didn’t warn you.  We’re going to make fools of ourselves.

Peter: (they throw the net out and immediately it becomes heavy)  Wow!!! What’s going on???  The net is completely full of fish!!!  I can’t pull it in!!

Thomas: I’ve never seen so many fish in my life.  We need help.  (shouts)  Hey James and John, come quick.  We’ve got a net full of fish and we can’t lift it by ourselves.

James: (voice offstage) Hold on.  We’re coming.

Peter: It’s a miracle.  It has to be Jesus!!  He’s the only one who could do this.  I’m going to swim to shore.  (jumps into the water)

Thomas: Hey wait!  I can’t hold all these fish by myself.  Peter!

John: Hi Thomas.  What’s going on?

Thomas: Grab the net and pull.  We’ve got more fish than I’ve ever seen in my life.

James: Wow!!!  Where did all these fish come from?

Thomas: Less talk, more pulling.

John: I can’t believe this!  We’ve been fishing all night and haven’t caught a thing.

Thomas: The man on shore told us.  I think it might be Jesus.

James: Jesus!?!

John: Jesus!?!

Thomas: Yeah.  When Peter saw Him he just ....

James: What are we waiting for? (jumps in)

John: Wait for me. (jumps in)

Thomas: But the fish!  I can’t pull this in by myself.  You guys.  (pause)  Oh, what’s the use.  Hang on Jesus.  I’m coming. (drops the net and jumps in too.)

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